Friday, October 1, 2010

Growing Fast!

Patrick knows the words "Kitty" and "Button" in both German and English, he also knows "Turtle" in English. He says "Ja!" (though I don't think he knows what it means yet) and he of course knows "No" and "Nein" and despises it in both languages. He mimics all the time and it is too funny.

He points to things and says "Da!" and wants to touch them and know what they are. He says "mama" a lot again, though he still does not associate it with just me. This morning he started new word sounds "Fffaa" and "Vwaaa"

And now, he's getting a tooth (or two) on top!

Every day has been something new, it is amazing! Soon he will be walking and really talking. We are making bets that he'll start doing both by his first birthday. I still wonder what his first real word will be...Looks like we will see soon enough.

My little boy is growing so fast!