I remember a book I used to have read to me as a child "Sometimes Even Mom Makes Mistakes" Ain't that the truth!
I am forever thankful to my friends who have told me countless stories of their own little mistakes. Because of their honesty I am able to make my little mistakes and not feel like a completely terrible mother...at least, not for too long. So here is one of mine...
*****WARNING - If you have a weak stomach, you may not want to read this!!!****
Earlier today, Patrick was happily babbling in his car seat as my mom and I ran some errands. We were also listening to a book on tape. We stopped at Costco, but wanted to finish a particularly good chapter, and since the baby was content, we listened...
Within 2 minutes Patrick started crying, so I tossed some of his car toys to him. That kept him happy for all of 10 seconds. I couldn't reach any of the empty water bottles he had been playing with, so I grabbed the one that was up by me to hand to him. Now...as I am handing this bottle to my son I think "I should really take that label off, he'll eat it" I of course ignore this new mommy wisdom and hand him the bottle. He's happy as can be. We finish the chapter and I look back at him...munching on the label...uh oh!
I hop out of the car and try to get the piece of paper out of his mouth. He opens wide and I almost have it, then he claps his mouth shut and moves his head back and forth to escape me...suddenly he gets this odd look on his face...and then he vomits all over himself and the car seat. Oh. My. God!
My poor baby!
As I was cleaning him off and getting the goop out of the car seat (and boy was I lucky the bag was still packed for Germany - 3 burp rags AND a fresh outfit!)I thought 2 things. First, how odd that I was not at all grossed out, only feeling awful that he threw up. And second, "oh look! The label came out!"