Monday, March 1, 2010


I'm a terrible poster. I feel like sometimes I never have enough hours in the day to get everything done. I always want to make Sandi happy, but I don't want to do diapers! *laughs* I do do them, but I know I'm getting off easier than most guys. So I'm definitely trying to get better about being proactive with Patrick.

Patrick is the most wonderful baby I've ever known (bias notwithstanding). Just an unbelievably happy baby, and it makes me feel like such an amazing guy to have even had a say in this baby's development and life. I really am so proud of him already.

School is going well, and I'm ready to take a break, which is good because spring break is up in 8 weeks! Woooo! *laughs again* I'm shooting for another A, and I have no idea how I got a nice solid B in stats. :\

Regardless, I love my family and I love my life and even with aches and pains and everything else, I am so extremely happy at this point in my time here on Earth.

Love to everyone.

Love to Sandi and Patrick,

Daddy D.