Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Last night we went to visit Joy. She just had her adorable baby girl, Brielli. She was born 2 weeks early and weighs almost as much as Patrick did when he was born, but oh my God she is so tiny! I swear Patrick was never that tiny!

I can't believe how much he has grown already! And now he is so very close to rolling over. He babbles, he grabs at everything (on purpose) and puts it right in his mouth. He is just amazing and I feel so blessed to have him. He's this perfect little creature and I can't believe he's mine. Ok, yes I do share him with Drew, I promise! So - I can't believe he's ours =)

People always say children grow up so fast. It is so true. I swear it was just yesterday that I was holding him for the first time, feeling so uncertain, so overwhelmed with this tiny thing I was now responsible for...and soon he'll be sitting up all on his own and eating solid food, and really talking...then walking...then going off to school...

But, today, right now, he needs to be snuggled. So I'm off to go do that =)